Everything we know so far

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Friday, June 28, 2024

So I'm a Spider, So What? season 2 is still a no-show and fans are wondering if the creators will renew it for a second season this year. Following the conclusion of the first season in 2021, the series has been on a hiatus amidst the brewing anticipation from the fans.

Originally a web novel series, So I'm a Spider, So What? was later adapted into a light novel series written by Okina Baba and illustrated by Tsukasa Kiryu. This isekai narrative had made quite the name for itself in the genre and it ultimately found itself on the screen as well, receiving praise from fans.

Everything we know so far about So I'm a Spider, So What? Season 2

Unfortunately, the creators of the isekai series So I'm a Spider, So What? have not yet announced the production of a new season. The animation studio Millepensee has not provided any hint as to whether season 2 will get a green light.

At the moment, we can only speculate that if the studio is hasty with the announcement, the second season of might see a late 2023 or an early 2024 release. However, readers should hold their breath for an official confirmation.

The first season, which began airing on January 8, 2021, was split into two cours, each containing 12 episodes. Reportedly, the anime has adapted the original light novel series up to Volume 3 of a whopping total of 16 volumes, so there is no doubt that more seasons are required if the producers of the show wish to be faithful to the source material.

Kumoko/White, the protagonist (Image via Millipensee)

Crunchyroll has obtained the license for distributing the show globally, outside Asia, and thus the anime is available for streaming on its streaming platform. We believe that So I'm a Spider, So What? season 2 will also follow suit once it gets released. We encourage our readers to watch their favorite anime shows on official platforms as it helps support the creators and the production house.

The voice cast of the first season is expected to reprise their roles if another installment is announced. The main characters of the series and their respective voice actors are:

  • White - Aoi Yuki
  • Ariel- Sumire Uesaka
  • Sophia- Ayana Taketatsu
  • Wrath- Ryota Osaka
  • Merazophis- Kenjiro Tsuda
  • Güliedistodiez- Daisuke Namikawa
  • D- Saori Hayami

Final Thoughts

Here is how the anime series So I'm a Spider, So What? is summarized on the official website of Crunchyroll:

I, the protagonist, was just an ordinary high school girl, but suddenly I was reincarnated as a spider monster in a fantasy world. Not only that, but I awakened in a dungeon filled with vicious monsters. Armed with only my human knowledge and my overwhelming positivity, I'm forced to use spiderwebs and traps to defeat far stronger monsters just to stay alive... So begins the labyrinth survival story of a girl with incredible mental strength living as one of the lowest-ranked beasts!
Katia, another reincarnated student (Image via Millipensee)

The first season of So I'm a Spider, So What? received mixed reactions from its viewers and a rating of 7.4 on MyAnimeList. It has been over two years since its release, and there has been no news regarding season 2. Although the chances seem bleak, fans liked White's personality and would definitely want to see more of her.

Stay tuned for more updates on So I'm a Spider, So What? season 2, and other popular anime shows like Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Tokyo Revengers, Blue Lock, and more.

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